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Sasha | "Strider"

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About Sasha | "Strider"

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    J-7 OIC

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  1. Another video explanation of TACAN 21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jyl54RNsWrE
  2. Another video explaining the TACAN and how it operates. It is old (1955) but provides a good overview of system overview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qd9BZc-E668
  3. Sasha | "Strider"


    See: https://discord.com/channels/599981232159195148/828235388254289950/932112303225204746 0000Z (1900 EST)
  4. CVW-17 will be hosting a TACAN Navigation Training Event Wednesday Jan 19th at 1800 PST/2100 EST. The training will not focus on how to operate the TACAN on your aircraft but how to employ it for navigation. Topics to be covered are as follows: 1. TACAN Bearings, Courses, and Radials 2. How to intercept a course or radial 3. How to fly a TACAN point 2 point 4. Review of TACAN Instrument Procedures/Approaches (walk through of the Nellis Dream 6 Departure and TACAN X RWY 21L approach The training material will utilize the F-14 HSI for demonstration however the techniques and procedures are applicable to all TACAN equipped aircraft. Following the lecture there will a practice mission consisting of the IFR round robin on the NTTR map. It will conclude with flying the TACAN 21L approach at Nellis down to minimums (~600 ft ceiling). The information from training will help inform other procedures such as the TACAN formation RV and the CASE III marshal. Some extra material if you want to review (helpful but not required) prior to the event: TACAN Point 2 Point explained on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKJm0hHZ2VU&t=1662s Approach Chart Explained : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fElkNeuKoh0
  5. Friday, January 15th @2330Z See Discord Post for details: https://discord.com/channels/599981232159195148/801124392549220426/930133998376734801
  6. Sasha | "Strider"


    Ploberation June 14th 2359Z. See discord post for details. https://discord.com/channels/599981232159195148/828235388254289950/929962084169551942
  7. until

    I can fly a F-14 or GCI if needed.
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